Are you wondering if this guy likes you but is playing it cool? Well, let’s find out in this article!
When you share that special bond with a guy, you might develop feelings for him. Maybe he feels the same but hasn’t expressed anything yet. So the first question that comes to your mind is, “does he like me, or is he playing me?”
Ah! These mixed signals have destroyed thousands of lives.

“10 Subtle Signs He Likes You But is Playing it Cool: Decoding His Mixed Signals!”
Love is tough, but you know what’s tougher? To get an affirmation of that love. When you like a guy, the curiosity to see whether he feels the same for you is crazy. You’ll keep making assumptions, building scenarios in your mind, and whatnot!
“There’s a guy out there who will want to tell everyone that he is your boyfriend. Quit goofing around and go find him.” – Greg Behrendt.
Can someone like you and not show it? Yes. There can be different intentions in a guy’s mind, like yours, and what if he’s waiting for you to make the first move? Guess what? You can never know what’s going on in a man’s mind.
Some men don’t easily share their feelings; they may be shy, afraid of rejection, don’t want to ruin the bond, or are afraid you’ll play with their hearts.
Enough of the stressing; now, the best part! You might not know what’s going on in a guy’s mind, but these signs will assure you that they’re into you.
So, in this article, you’ll get answers to all your questions—a clear view of signs that he likes you but is playing it cool.
How do you tell if a guy genuinely likes you or is playing you?
Heard the word, “consistency?” When a guy genuinely likes you he’ll be consistent with his efforts for you. First, he’ll appreciate you as a person in his life. Then, he will be vocal about his feelings for you.
He’ll keep that constant contact with you whether on call, text or certain meetups. He’ll make excuses to be with you, to check on you and this will make him close to you.
Not just that, he’ll be your hero. He’ll try his best to win your heart with his pure efforts. When a guy is genuinely into you, he’ll do his best to earn you. Also, when a guy is playing with you, you’ll see him flirting with other girls the very next day after he tries the bare minimum for you.
18+ Signs he likes you but is playing it cool
Fortunately, even if somebody isn’t vocal about their feelings, some actions can prove whether they like you or not. You must closely observe and then only you’ll notice. Gladly, the below-mentioned signs are what you should watch for:
1. He talks about everything that’s going on in his life
We share things with people we trust blindly, and guys don’t usually announce their stuff to anyone. If a guy shares details like his home situation, plans, moods, what he’s going to do next, and what’s going on in his life, he’s into you.

Sharing things is no easy task, and with guys, it’s even harder. So, believe me, if a guy spits all his life details with you, he’s into you. He might not tell you now, but soon you’ll get to know.
2. His body language tells he’s interested in you
Body language can quickly tell you what the person thinks of you. It may show signs a guy is playing it cool, but these are the things that you must notice when you both are together, like:
- He puts his hand on your shoulder.
- He always has his eyes on you.
- Stands close to you when in a group.
- Cutely pull off your cheeks.
- As soon as you look at him, he looks away.
- He puts a hand on your head and massages it.
These are some silent gestures that guys do around the girl they like, and it’ll assure you that a guy is into you. He may show signs he’s playing it cool by not letting you know about his feelings, but inside his feelings are developing for you.
3. He’s on and off
A sign that you’ll know he likes you but is playing it cool. One day he seems totally into you, and the other, he’s ghosting you. He says he’s interested but doesn’t act like it? It might happen when he’s too nervous or doesn’t know how to behave around you.
He thinks you’re too good for him or isn’t sure about his feelings for you. In this situation, give him time, and if still, he’s not making any move, then know maybe he’s not that into you.
4. He’s a good listener
He may flirt and joke around you, but when you talk, he listens—a sign that you’re important to him. Men who like you will listen to understand you, help you solve things, and can never get bored of your talks.
According to psychology, men are lousy listeners. So if you have a man who enjoys listening to you, gives you suggestions, and can go hours talking to you or about you. You’ve been blessed already, and a sign he likes you.
5. He asks about you from other people.
This is how it works. When a guy likes you, he won’t just admit it. Instead, he’ll start talking to people about you to know more about you and ensure you’re single before he makes any move.
We all have done this once in our lifetime or maybe more. When we genuinely like someone, we want to get information about them indirectly from others.
So, if you get to know this guy is asking people about you, a sign he’s interested.
6. He wants to know more about you
When a guy likes you, he’ll be curious to know about you. Starting from your past to what you’re looking for in a guy. You can see when a guy is trying to get to know you.
How do you know when a guy isn’t interested? Remember, men only talk about the woman they’re interested in or have an eye on. So if a guy doesn’t talk about you, I don’t think he’s interested.
7. He discusses his ideal girl with you
Another sign that he likes you but is playing it cool. He’ll discuss his dream girl, tell her characteristics, and keep secretly describing you. But won’t say you’re his ideal girl, signs a cold guy likes you.
Remember when a guy tells you about his ideal girl, you’re his perfect girl no matter how hard this guy trying to be cool. So, quite an easy sign to know whether a guy is interested in you.
8. He surprises you for no reason
He gives you a rose for no reason? Not just a rose, if a guy is surprising you with different gift items on an ordinary day, he’s bringing that charm out for you.

Remember that if a guy likes you, he will make an effort no matter the big or small things. Signs a guy is playing it cool but cannot resist making you happy at the same time.
How do you know if a guy doesn’t like you? He’ll do the bare minimum for you, but when a guy likes you, the word “minimum” doesn’t count for him. Instead, they would bring all the happiness in the world for you.
9. His friends show those wide grins when you both are together
A big sign to catch when you’re in a group of people and his friends start making those flirty, funny comments on the both of you.
Not only they’ll start shouting or laughing, but they will give you both space to be alone. When a guy likes you, he will tell his group about you, and guess what? His friends can’t keep it to themselves!
10. He joins you whenever you’re alone
Some things are unsaid but visible enough to get your doubts clear. If he sees you sitting alone, he instantly comes to you and asks if you’re okay. He will only leave if he cheers you up again.
It would be best if you noticed these little things for signs he likes you but is playing it cool. He cannot stand you sitting lonely and having a lousy day alone. Instead, he will join and communicate.
11. He acts protective
Remember that guys are protective of the ones they care about. Some signs of protectiveness could be:

- Does he act protective when you’re going home alone?
- Ask you to text him when you reach home.
- He gives you his handkerchief when you cry.
- He holds an umbrella for you.
- Offers you a ride home on a rainy day.
- He gives you serious suggestions on life.
How to tell if someone isn’t into you? They’ll not care about your physical and mental health. But his protectiveness and caring for you will prove that he’s interested in you. Guys protect the girl they’ve feelings for and can never stand seeing them in any kind of trouble.
12. He’s always ready to help you
A guy who likes you can never say “no” to you. Instead, he will always be ready to help you in any situation because seeing you in trouble is almost like he’s in trouble.
Whenever you need any help, he’s the one to lend a hand. Not just him; he’s your go-to person, no matter if you’re happy, sad, or in trouble. When a guy is ready to help you at any cost, he’s interested in you.
13. He asks you out
He won’t say, “I think about you a lot,” or any romantic thing, but will make excuses to take you out and spend the most time with you. Every time he comes up with a reason to take you out, know that he’s interested.
He’ll ask you for coffee or lunch together or invite you to his house parties. Some excuses can include doing assignments together and having a discussion.
A guy who likes you cannot resist seeing your face in a day. Here you’ll get a hint if he likes you or not.
Also, you can make the first move by asking him out too. If you’re confused, here’s another informative article about where you should take him out for your first date ever.
14. He praises you and also makes fun of you
“Can a guy like you and not show it?” yes. He can compliment you and make fun of you at the same time. But why these mixed feelings? Because he wants to act cool.
Men make fun of the women they like; they’ll tease and praise her at the same point but can never demotivate her.
15. You feel the bond
You can feel the connection even if he’s not so vocal about his feelings for you. Your inner instincts tell you this is right, and the person feels like home to you.

Sometimes words cannot express what your heart is saying, and that’s okay. Don’t rush things; give him time to express his feelings for you. It’s essential that the other person feels the same for you.
16. He gets jealous
How to know he’s not interested? When you’re around your guy friends or you’re talking to them, and it doesn’t affect them, a guy is not that into you.
But if he gets jealous, is he insecure or not interested? A guy being jealous is a sign he likes you and is insecure about seeing you with other guys. It is one of the signs he doesn’t want anyone else to have you.
17. He remembers minor details about you
Have you ever observed it? It’s the little things that matter the most. The way he makes you feel with mindful efforts, and the way he remembers minor details about you are signs of how much he’s into you.
A guy would only remember small details about you if and when he’s in love with you! A sign he likes you but is playing it cool.
18. He acts hero when you’re around
Yes, man wants to be the hero of the woman they have an eye on. If he changes his behavior when you’re around and acts more hero-ish, he’s trying to impress you.

When a man wants your attention, he’ll act hero around you, bring on his charm to impress you with all the flirty heroic things. Signs he likes you but is playing it cool.
Psychological signs someone likes you
No matter if you’re in the middle or early stage when you want to know if a guy likes you or not. These below mentioned psychological signs can figure out if a guy likes you or is not interested.
1. He becomes extremely happy after seeing you.
2. Acts hero-ish around you.
3. He doesn’t talk about other women with you.
4. Keeps the eye contact strong and blushes
5. He’s an active listener for you.
6. Your suggestion matters to him.
7. Sit or stand close to you.
8. Shows off his best qualities around you to impress.
Bottom line
After you’ve known all the signs that assure you he likes you, the most important thing is how he makes you feel if he’s not so vocal about his feelings for you. Hopefully, if he shows most of the above signs he’s into you.
But what after these signs are true? Give him time to express his feelings for you. Also, there’s no rule that only boys can make the first move. You can make the first move too and show your bold feelings for him!
But if he’s really not into you, forget about him. Moving on from a guy who isn’t interested can be challenging, but it’s always possible to get out of a place where you’re not appreciated.
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