In today’s dating era, finding unicorns would be easier than getting a phone number.
The competition is strong out there, fellas! Everyone has upped their RIZZ game. And, if you are not witty or charismatic enough; you might lose all the chance of getting that phone number. You need to up your game, and I’m here to be your best wing(wo)man. I got you 100+ Witty Phone Number Pick Up Lines that will straight out charm your crush.
Getting someone’s phone number is definitely tricky, but you can easily pull it off if there’s just the right amount of confidence, courage, aura, and charm. Trust me, this advice is golden because it’s coming straight from a lady!
I’m not gatekeeping anymore! Below are all the phone number pick-up lines that have had all the ladies impressed.
Your nervousness is natural, don’t fret it! We, ladies, dig that cute smile, shy eyes, scrunched nose, and rubbing neck combo. However, don’t let your nervousness turn you into a sweating block of rock!
Here’s the deal— the right phone number pick-up lines can turn that nerve-wracking moment into something memorable! Trust me, you don’t want to rely on those same old lines that everyone’s heard a million times, right?

Dialing Up Rizz: 100+ Phone Number Pick Up Lines!
Before we start, remember, it’s not always what you say, but how you SAY IT! Hold it dear in your memory. The same pick-up line becomes 100% more attractive when you say it with chilled confidence but cute shyness. The balance of these two elements is crucial.
Chilled confidence lets the girl know you are the MAN! Subtle shyness helps you not to come across as arrogant. And I’ll be honest with you, there are ladies out there who dig arrogant men, so it can work sometimes, but not always.
On the other hand, confidence always charms the ladies! This doesn’t mean you should try the same ol’ and boring phone number pickup lines. You should have a solid start, and that means a good pickup! Let’s unfold them!
Funny Pick-Up Lines For A Phone Number | Laughter Always Wins!
Instead of sweating through the awkward moments, why not make her laugh? Humor is a potent weapon when it comes to flirting.
Your pick-up line is not just a line, but your first impression. And a girl who laughed because of you will remember you more than a girl who was impressed a bit.
1. “Okay, this is what I’m going to do, get two shots of tequila, right? One that will give me the courage to ask you for your number. If you accept, you give me your phone number in return. If you don’t, I get two tequila all by myself. Sounds like a win-win situation. The second tequila will of course help me conceal the tears.”
2. Try this if your crush is sitting in a group, and has a kick for humor. Walk up to her group and ask, “Who among you all lovely ladies have low standards?”
*Hand over the phone* If you will, please!
3. Do you want to have gooooood sex?
Them: Sorry, no!
You: Well, lady, aren’t you up for a good deal!? Come to my place!
4. I’m a 10/10. If you give me your number, we’ll be SOLID 20 together!
5. Hey, do you want to know how to take revenge? Give me your number, and I shall let you in on the secret. P.S. I have a gun.
6. Hi! I’m Batman. And if you give me your number, you can save me from falling into the dark void that is life *Pull a dramatic intense face*
7. If you give me your phone number, we can write the best rom-com to ever exist. On god!
8. “Hey, would you like a kiss?”
Her: “Sure, why not!” Hand her over the Hershey’s kiss, and walk away with no expressions.
Alternate: “No–” Take out the Hershey’s kiss out anyway. “No? You sure about that?” and walk away!
Come back after a good amount of time. Ask her again, “Would you like a kiss?”
She says, “Yes! Haha!”
“Give me your phone number, and I might just give you one, jeez!”
W Pick Up Lines With A Phone Number!
If you want to drop W pickup lines, you got to have serious RIZZ! Channel that Damon Salvatore’s effortless charisma, and watch girls melt.
Skip the cheesy grin, and go for that sly smirk. And before you start rizzing your way to her number, make sure you are well-dressed and smelling irresistible!
Here are 10 cool flirty lines to get her number”
1. “Can I have your number, just in case I need to ask someone for a ride or an orgasm?”
2. “How am I supposed to shamelessly flirt with you in the middle of the night when I don’t have your number?”
3. “I’ve never sexted before. Maybe you can teach me?”
4. “Do you believe in multiverses? Because in every universe, I’m falling for you”
5. “You are like Schrodinger’s cat— whether or not I ask for your number, my reality changes.”

Smooth Pick-Up Lines For Number
“Smooth” is when you take them by a pleasant surprise. If you want to secure her number, you need to be real smooth; like effortlessly smooth. It should look and feel effortless.
1. “So, are you going to give me your number, or am I going to have to stalk you?”
2. “Hey, can I put you on my emergency contact list?”
3. “Error 404: Your number is not found on my phone.”
4. “My drunk texts are crazy. Want me to send you some?”
5. “Hi, you’re under arrest for not giving me your number.”
(See Also: 100+ Pick Up Lines On Eyes)
6. “I bet my number is better than yours. Wanna hear it?”
7. “ If you give me your number, I promise I’ll give you mine right back.”
8. “No way, are you leaving without giving me your number!”
9. “Tonight, I’m on a hunt for your number.”
10. “Do you want to get my number or do you want me to cry?”

Cute Pick Up Lines For A Phone Number
Sometimes being cute is all it takes to win their heart over. We are back to ditching the smirk and pulling that million dollar cute smile.
Below are 10 cute phone number pick up lines:
1. “Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I’m really feeling a connection.”
2. “Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes, and I’d love to find my way back.”
3. “Is your phone number the secret to happiness? Because I’m ready to dial it.”
4. “If you were a contact in my phone, you’d be under ‘Beautiful.'”
5. “Are you a notification? Because I can’t wait to see what you’ll say next.”
6. “Excuse me, but I think the digits on your phone number are out of order. Mind if I rearrange them?”
7. “Can you lend me a pen? I want to write down the moment I met you.”
8. “Is your phone number made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re Cu-Te.”
9. “Do you have a phone? Great! Let’s exchange numbers and make it an even better day.”
10. “I must be a phone because I’m really attracted to your touch.”

Cheesy Pick Up Lines To Get A Phone Number!
Sometimes, cheesy works! In fact, I’ll have to agree, cheesy works most of the time. Rule no. 1, you should you are being intentionally cheesy. Rule no. 2, they should know you are being intentionally cheesy.
Otherwise, my friend, they will ditch you in the dumpsters!
Don’t forget to start these cheesy phone number pick up lines with a “I know this may sound cheesy, but damn, they all make sense when I look at you.”
1. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together in my contacts.”
2. “You must be a text message because you just made my heart buzz.”
3. “Can I take a picture of you to prove to my friends that angels exist?”
4. “Is your name Bluetooth? Because I’m really feeling a connection.”
5. “I’d love to call you sometime. Can you tell me your number or should I get it from directory assistance?”
(See Also: 100+ Smile Pick Up Lines!)
6. “Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.”
7. “I must be a magician because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.”
8. “If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.”
9. “I’m not a photographer, but I can definitely picture us together.”
10. “Do you have a phone? I need to call my mom and tell her I met the love of my life.”

Flirty Pick Up Lines To Get A Phone Number
Don’t hold back when it comes to flirting with your crush! But make sure, the flirting is fun. You don’t want to be boring for your first impression.
Here are 10 flirty phone number pick up lines to slide into her Dms like a pro:
1. “God must be a woman, because damn! It’s even better that they have a phone. I’d like to report my sins, please, let me text them to you.”
2. “Pick up lines? Nah, you are made for poetry! And if you could give me your number, I can write them to you.”
3. “Give me your number, and we write the best love story mankind is yet to listen.”
4. “And, if I ruin myself chasing you, so be it, but at least let me give it my best shot. Your number, if you will, please.”
5. “Is that what heaven must feel like— nights spent listening to you? If so, I’d fight the gates of hell to get your number.
6. Is your name Siri? Because you’re everything I’ve been asking for.
7. “Are you a charger? Because I’m feeling drained, and you’re the boost I need.”
8. “If you were a contact in my phone, you’d be on speed dial.”
9. “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?”
10. “Is there an airport nearby, or is that just my heart taking off because of you?”
11. “Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re Cu-Te.”
12. “Can you help me with my math homework? I need to add your number to my phone.”
13. “Is your name Dropbox? Because you’re the solution to all my storage problems.”
14. “I must be a time traveler because I can see you in my future.”
15. “Do you believe in love at first text, or should I send another one?”

Rizz Pick Up Lines To Get A Phone Number
Okay! I cannot give you rizz. That’s something you need to source from within. If you don’t know what ‘rizz’ stands for, let me tell you. It stands for Charisma, and it’s an innate appeal you carry with you.
A great example is Sharukh Khan! He has impressed women left and right, and for all the great reasons. He speaks with a charm, he walks with a charm, he owns the room he walks in.
Touching the sky, yet humble, respectful, and uniquely himself!
Here are some phone number pick up lines with rizz:
1. “I guess you are not the bride. Let me have your number.”
2. “I’m not a photographer, but I can definitely picture your number on my phone.”
3. “This sounds crazy but I need your number like I need my next breath.”
4. “I lost my phone. Would you mind calling it real quick?”
5. “I wish I had your number, so I could’ve invited you on a date last night.”
6. “I can’t remember my number. Can I please have yours instead?”
7. “If you give me your number, I promise to spam you with pictures of cute puppies on a daily basis.”
8. “Are you going to give me your number or should I ask Siri to find it for me?”
9. “Let me make you a deal. You kiss me and I give you my number.”
10. “Your phone is nice, but it would be even nicer if it had my name on your contact list.”

Cool American Chat Up Lines!
Want to keep it laid-back but still make an impression? These American chat up lines will bring charm without the cringe. Keep it chill, but also keep it honest. You want to show interest and respect, not desperation or arrogance.
Here are some nice chat up lines get a number:
1. “Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?”
2. “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
3. “Is there a rainbow today? I just found the gold I’ve been searching for.”
4. “I’m not a genie, but I can make your dreams of romance come true.”
5. “If you were a cat, I’d be your Egyptian empire.”
6. “Do you believe in coincidences, or do I meet you accidently here again?”
7. “You are a goddess, and I’d like to worship you like a dog.”
8. “I’m not a photographer, but I can definitely picture us together.”
9. “Do you have a name, or can I call you strictly mine?”
0. “Is there an airport nearby, or is that just my heart taking off because of you?”

Smart Phone number pick up lines
“Brainie is the new sexy.”—Irene Adler, Sherlock Homes.
Here’s an inside news: Ladies prefer an intelligent brain more than do a bulky body. So, don’t hide that nerd, put that brain on display, and rizz her with these smart phone number pick up lines!
1. “It’s like you a fossil sample, and I, an impatient palentologist. I want to date you badly” (Reference: From the song “Why I cry”)
2. “I wish I were your tangent, that way I’d lie next to your curves.”
3. “Is your name Dropbox? Because you’re the solution to all my storage problems.”
4. “Okay, do you wanna hear the truth or just a cheesy pick up line? Well the truth is, I almost tripped and fell over when I saw you walk in… the crazy part is, I was sitting down the whole time.”
5. “Do you believe in love at first text, or should I send another one?”
6. “Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?”
7. “What winks and fucks like a tiger?” When she says, ‘I don’t know’ then you wink at her.
8. “Before you say ‘NO,’ just know I’m a great listener. Now, can I get your number?”
9. “Are youmake of quarks? Because you are holding my universe together.”
10. “You are like a quantum particle— impossible to predict, but fascinating to study.”

Great Chat Up Lines To Woo Her!
You know what wins a girl’s heart every time? A well-thought compliment! Don’t forget, it needs to be authentic!
1. “If your number were a constellation, it would be the brightest star in my night sky.”
2. “You must be the missing piece to my contacts list.”
3. “Can I borrow your phone? I need to call heaven and let them know an angel is missing.”
4. “Is your phone number an equation? Because it’s the solution to my happiness.”
5. “I’m not a mathematician, but I’m pretty good at adding numbers to my phone. Can I add yours?
6. “Do you believe in destiny? Because I think our numbers were meant to be exchanged.”
7. “My phone is lacking your number. Mind if you help me fix that?”
8. “Are you a phone? Because I can’t imagine my life without you.”
9. “If I were a text message, I’d send the highest priority to your phone.”
10. “Is your name ‘My Number’? Because I’ve been searching for you my whole life.”

Sweet Pick up lines to get a number!
Caramelize her heart and watch her melt.
1. “Can you be the password to my Wi-Fi? Because I can’t connect without you.”
2. “Do you have a phone? Great! Let’s trade numbers and start a beautiful conversation.”
3. “Is your number an exception? Because you’re the only one I want.”
4. “You must be a QR code because I can’t help but scan you with my eyes.”
5. “Let’s make a deal – I’ll give you my heart, and you can give me your number.”
6. “Is there a sunset emoji? Because your number belongs in my ‘Favorite’ category.”
7. “Do you believe in fate? Because I think our numbers were destined to meet.”
8. “Are you the ‘Call’ button? Because you’re exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
9. “If I were a phone, I’d set my wallpaper with a picture of you.”
10. “You’re not in my contacts yet, but I hope to change that. What’s your number?”
How to impress a girl on chat lines?
Here’s the deal! Girls want authenticity, they want genuinity and respect. They want you to be vocal about your feelings. Poetic or not, a genuine display of your feelings would always work like magic.
There’s a fine line between interest and desperation. Never blur it! And always remember, don’t bore her! Life’s already complicated as it is, show her what a good time and a good conversation looks like!
Impressing a girl through chat requires genuine interest, respect, and good conversation skills. Here are some tips and chat lines to help you:
- Show genuine interest: Ask her questions about her interests, hobbies, and opinions. For example, “What’s something you’re passionate about?”
- Compliment her sincerely: Notice something unique about her and compliment it. For instance, “I couldn’t help but notice your amazing taste in music. What’s your favorite band?”
- Be funny and lighthearted: Humor can break the ice and make the conversation enjoyable. You could say, “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
- Share interesting stories or experiences: Engage her with stories from your own life that she might find amusing or relatable. For example, “You won’t believe the adventure I had last weekend…”
- Show empathy and understanding: Listen actively to what she says and respond thoughtfully. Validate her feelings and opinions. For instance, “That sounds tough. I’m here if you need someone to talk to.”
- Be respectful and polite: Avoid using cheesy pick-up lines or making inappropriate comments. Treat her with kindness and respect.
What lines to make a girl blush?
- “Your smile brightens up my day every time I see it.”
- “I can’t help but get lost in your eyes.”
- “You have the most adorable laugh; it’s contagious.”
- “You’re even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside.”
- “I feel lucky just to be in your presence.”
How to impress a boy with lines?
- “I’ve been admiring your courageous and confident persona, it really stands out to me.”
- “You have such an interesting perspective on Politics, I’d love to hear more about it.”
- “I appreciate how you always make people feel welcomed and included.”
- “Your sense of humor always brightens my day. You have a way of making even the simplest moments enjoyable.”
- “I admire your passion for Soccer, it’s inspiring to see someone pursue their passions so wholeheartedly.”
How do you flirt with a girl on one line?
- I must be lost because heaven is a long way from here.”
- “If beauty were time, you’d be an eternity.”
- “I was blinded by your beauty… I’m going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.”
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