Wellness by Ved

Betrayal Bites Back: 200+ Cheaters Karma Quotes!

March 29, 2024 | by Ved


If you have just been betrayed by someone you loved, you must be looking for a way to make them regret their wrongdoings. Today, we have 200+ karma about cheating quotes to make them realize what they lost!

Cheating is a hurtful and dishonest act that can leave deep wounds and scars on the person who is betrayed. However, what goes around, comes around, and the cheater will eventually face the consequences of their actions.

This is the principle of karma, which holds that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this article, we will explore some of the best cheaters karma quotes, which provide valuable lessons on betrayal and its consequences.

cheaters karma quotes

200+ Cheaters karma quotes: Cheating Comes with a Price!

Cheating has been a scourge on relationships since time immemorial. It can take many forms: from lying about small things to having an affair with someone outside the relationship.

Regardless of the form it takes, the result is always the same: heartbreak, pain, and a sense of betrayal. But what many cheaters fail to realize is that their actions come with a price. It’s called karma, and it has a way of catching up with those who cheat.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some powerful quotes about cheater’s karma, and how they can serve as a cautionary tale for anyone considering cheating or those who have already cheated.

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So, if you’re someone who’s been cheated on, thinking about cheating, or simply interested in the idea of karma, then read on. This post is for you.

cheaters karma quotes

How to Overcome the Pain of Betrayal?

Betrayal can cause immense emotional pain, and it can be difficult to know how to move forward. Here are some tips for overcoming the pain of betrayal:

1. Allow yourself to feel your emotions

It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, such as anger, sadness, or confusion, after being betrayed.

Allow yourself to feel these emotions and process them in a healthy way, such as through journaling, talking to a therapist, or engaging in self-care activities.

2. Set boundaries

After being betrayed, it’s important to set boundaries to protect yourself from further harm.

This may include ending the relationship, limiting contact with the person, or being clear about what behaviors you will not tolerate.

cheaters karma quotes

3. Practice forgiveness

Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for healing, but it’s important to remember that forgiveness does not mean forgetting or condoning betrayal.

Instead, forgiveness is about letting go of the anger and resentment towards the person and moving forward in a healthier way.

4. Surround yourself with support

Surround yourself with people who love and support you during this difficult time. This may include friends, family, or a support group.

5. Focus on self-care

Betrayal can take a toll on your mental and physical health. It’s important to prioritize self-care activities, such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep, to help you feel better.

Why cheaters come back or why do cheaters come back?

cheaters karma quotes

Cheaters may come back for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they may come back because they feel guilty and want to make amends for their actions.

Other times, they may come back because they miss the familiarity and comfort of the relationship they had before.

In some cases, cheaters may also come back because they have unresolved feelings or issues that they want to address.

However, it’s important to remember that just because someone comes back doesn’t necessarily mean they have truly changed or that the relationship will be successful if it is rekindled.

Karma about cheating quotes

Know that karma is here to do its best so it’s time that you rest. Here are some cheating karma quotes for you:

  1. “Cheaters always get found out in the end.” – Auliq Ice
  2. “When you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself.” – Unknown
  3. “Karma has no deadline.” – Unknown
  4. “Cheating is a sin, and karma is a b*tch.” – Unknown
  5. “When you cheat, you’re telling yourself that you’re not good enough for your partner.” – Unknown
  6. “Karma is a mirror that will reflect back to the thinker what he or she has thought.” – Unknown
  7. “If you’re not happy in a relationship, end it before starting another one.” – Unknown
  8. “Cheating is like throwing a boomerang. It always comes back around.” – Unknown
  9. “Karma is like a rubber band. You can only stretch it so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.” – Unknown
  10. “Cheating is a sign of weakness.” – Unknown
cheaters karma quotes
  1. “Karma never forgets.” – Unknown
  2. “Cheating may give you a temporary high, but it will lead to a permanent low.” – Unknown
  3. “Karma is the universe’s way of keeping us all in check.” – Unknown
  4. “Cheating on someone is a choice, not a mistake.” – Unknown
  5. “Karma is not just about the bad things you do. It’s also about the good things you do.” – Unknown
  6. “Cheating is like a virus that spreads and infects everyone it touches.” – Unknown
  7. “Karma is a law of nature, and it will catch up with you eventually.” – Unknown
  8. “Cheating is a breach of trust, and once that trust is broken, it’s hard to regain.” – Unknown
  9. “Karma is not revenge. It’s simply the result of our actions.” – Unknown
  10. “Cheating is a shortcut to nowhere.” – Unknown
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Karma quotes for cheaters

There’s no escape for cheaters. Here are some karma quotes about cheating that you must read on:

  1. “Karma has no deadline.” -Unknown
  2. “Karma is a boomerang. You throw it, and it comes back.” -Unknown
  3. “Cheating is easy. Try something more challenging, like being faithful.” -Unknown
  4. “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” -Unknown
  5. “Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.” -Arthur Miller
  6. “Cheating and lying aren’t struggles. They’re reasons to break up.” -Patti Callahan Henry
  7. “The best revenge is massive success.” -Frank Sinatra
  8. “What goes around comes around. Keep your circle positive.” -Unknown
  9. “You can’t cheat the grind. It knows how much you have invested. It won’t give you anything you haven’t worked for.” -Unknown
  10. “Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.” -Unknown
cheaters karma quotes
  1. “Cheating is easy, try something more challenging like being honest.” -Unknown
  2. “Cheating is like throwing a stone in a pond. It creates ripples that spread far and wide.” -Unknown
  3. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.” -Unknown
  4. “Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.” -Unknown
  5. “Karma never loses an address, and it always shows up when it’s time.” – Anurag Prakash Ray
  6. “There are no real cheaters, cheaters get punished for cheating.”
  7. “Karma on cheating is a real thing.”
  8. “You can cheat in a relationship. But cheating karma is not gonna happen, karma for cheaters is real.”
  9. “Is karma real when it comes to relationships? Yes, karma on cheaters is real and wait while you see it with your own eyes.”
  10. “Do cheaters get their karma? There’s no escape from karma.”

Karma cheating quotes

cheaters karma quotes

Here are some cheating quotes that you read:

  1. “Cheating is easy, try something more challenging…like being faithful.” – Unknown
  2. “If you cheat on someone who is willing to do anything for you, you actually cheated yourself out of true loyalty.” – Unknown
  3. “Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.” – Unknown
  4. “The best revenge is just moving on and getting over it. Don’t give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.” – Unknown
  5. “Cheating is a choice, not a mistake. Trust is a privilege, not a right. And loyalty is a responsibility, not an option.” – Unknown
  6. “Karma is a boomerang. What you give, you get back. What you sow, you reap. What goes around, comes around. Remember that.” – Unknown
  7. “Don’t worry, the karma of cheating is real.”
  8. “Does karma work for cheaters? Oh darling karma won’t disappoint you.”
  9. “Is karma real for cheaters? Yes, nobody’s safe from it.”
  10. “There’s no cheating in love but there’s karma in love.”
cheaters karma quotes

Revenge quotes for cheaters

The best revenge is no revenge but let karma do its job. Here are some revenge karma cheating quotes:

  1. “Revenge is the sweetest dish served cold.” – Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
  2. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” – William Congreve
  3. “The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra
  4. “Living well is the best revenge.” – George Herbert
  5. “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.” – Marcus Aurelius
  6. “Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.” – Austin O’Malley
  7. “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  8. “The best revenge is to be unlike the person who performed the injustice.” – Marcus Aurelius
  9. “Don’t get mad. Get even.” – Unknown
  10. “The best revenge is to show them that your life is getting better after they’re gone.” – Unknown
cheaters karma quotes

Betrayal karma quotes

Betrayals hurt the most whether in a relationship for friendship. Here are some betrayal karma cheating quotes:

  1. “Betrayal is like a snake, it will always come back to bite you.” – Unknown
  2. “Karma has no deadline for betrayal.” – Unknown
  3. “Betrayal is never justified, and karma is always on its way.” – Unknown
  4. “Karma is a force that comes back around to those who betray.” – Unknown
  5. “Betrayal is the ultimate act of cowardice, and karma always comes for cowards.” – Unknown
  6. “Karma is a dish best served to those who betray.” – Unknown
  7. “Betrayal is a wound that can only heal with time and karma.” – Unknown
  8. “Karma will always come to collect from those who betray the trust of others.” – Unknown
  9. “Betrayal is a choice, and karma is the consequence.” – Unknown
  10. “Karma is a loyal friend to those who have been betrayed.” – Unknown
cheaters karma quotes

Karma cheating quotes for him

Here are some deep cheating karma quotes for him:

  1. “Karma is the price you pay for the cheat you played.”
  2. “Cheating may seem like a shortcut to happiness, but it’s really a long road to misery.”
  3. “The universe has a way of balancing the scales, and cheating will always tip them in the wrong direction.”
  4. “Cheating is not a mistake, it’s a conscious decision to betray the trust of another person.”
  5. “The problem with cheating is that it doesn’t just hurt the person you cheated on, it also hurts your own character and integrity.”
  6. “Karma may take its time, but it always gets its revenge on those who cheat and deceive.”
  7. “Cheating is a sign of weakness, and karma will expose that weakness for all to see.”
  8. “Karma is the ultimate truth-teller, and it will reveal the true nature of a cheater to the world.”
  9. “Cheating may seem like a win in the short-term, but in the long run, karma will make sure you lose everything.”
  10. “Karma is the universe’s way of saying, ‘cheaters never prosper’.”

Karma cheating quotes for her

cheaters karma quotes

Here are some deep cheating karma quotes for her:

  1. “Cheating may give you a temporary high, but karma will bring you back down to reality.”
  2. “When you cheat, you’re not just hurting your partner, you’re also hurting yourself.”
  3. “Karma is a faithful friend, and she always pays a visit to those who cheat and deceive.”
  4. “Cheating is a sign of insecurity and a lack of self-respect, and karma will expose that for all to see.”
  5. “Karma is the mirror that reflects back the true nature of a cheater’s soul.”
  6. “Cheating is a gamble, and the odds are always in favor of karma.”
  7. “When you cheat, you’re not just breaking a promise, you’re also breaking your own heart.”
  8. “Karma is the ultimate judge and jury, and she always delivers a fair verdict to those who cheat.”
  9. “Cheating may seem like a game, but karma is the referee who always calls foul on cheaters.”
  10. “Karma is the teacher who gives cheaters the lesson they need to learn, even if it’s not the one they want to learn.”
cheaters karma quotes

Karma quotes about cheating

Discover the power of karma with our collection of unique and thought-provoking cheaters karma quotes. Get inspired to embrace justice and integrity.

Here are some cheating karma quotes or karma quotes about cheating:

  1. “Cheating may bring temporary victories, but in the end, karma will expose the truth and claim its dues.”
  2. “The web of lies spun by cheaters will eventually entangle them in a knot of karma.”
  3. “Cheaters thrive in darkness, but karma is the light that exposes their deceit.”
  4. “Like a boomerang, cheating returns to its sender, laden with the weight of karma.”
  5. “Cheating is like building a house on quicksand—eventually, karma will cause it to crumble.”
  6. “The cheater’s path is paved with illusions, but karma is the ultimate truth-teller.”
  7. “Cheating may grant temporary pleasures, but karma will exact a lasting price.”
  8. “The universe keeps a meticulous balance sheet, ensuring that cheaters pay their dues in karma.”
  9. “Cheaters may dodge consequences momentarily, but karma is a patient hunter.”
  10. “The currency of cheaters is deceit, but karma only accepts payment in truth.”
cheaters karma quotes

Karma about cheating quotes

Explore a diverse compilation of cheaters karma quotes that will make you ponder the consequences of deceit. Dive into the intriguing world of karma’s justice.

Here are some karma about cheating quotes or betrayal karma cheating quotes:

  1. “Cheating plants the seeds of its own destruction, watered by the rains of karma.”
  2. “No mask can hide the face of a cheater from the discerning eyes of karma.”
  3. “Cheating is like swimming against the tide of karma—you may make some progress, but the current will always drag you back.”
  4. “Cheaters may deceive others, but karma never falls for their tricks.”
  5. “Like a mirror, karma reflects the true nature of cheaters, revealing their inner darkness.”
  6. “Cheaters may enjoy a temporary feast, but karma serves a banquet of consequences.”
  7. “Cheating is a house of cards, waiting to collapse under the weight of karma’s justice.”
  8. “Cheaters may soar high on the wings of deception, but karma will clip their feathers.”
  9. “Cheating is a hollow victory, echoing with the footsteps of karma’s retribution.”
  10. “The cheater’s game is rigged, for karma is the ultimate referee.”
cheaters karma quotes

Betrayal karma cheating quotes

Unveil the intricate relationship between cheaters and karma through our curated selection of enlightening quotes. Prepare to question the balance of the universe.

Here are some boyfriend cheating karma quotes or revenge karma about cheating quotes:

  1. “Cheating may paint a masterpiece of deception, but karma will reveal the artist behind the fraud.”
  2. “Like a puzzle missing a piece, cheating will always leave a void that karma will fill.”
  3. “Cheaters weave a tapestry of lies, unaware that karma holds the scissors to unravel their deceit.”
  4. “The foundation of a cheater’s empire is built on sand, waiting for karma’s mighty waves to wash it away.”
  5. “Cheaters are actors on a stage of deception, but karma is the critic who exposes their true performance.”
  6. “Cheating is a dance with shadows, but karma is the spotlight that illuminates the truth.”
  7. “Just as darkness cannot exist without light, cheating cannot exist without the presence of karma.”
  8. “Cheaters may believe they’re outsmarting the world, but karma’s wisdom is beyond their comprehension.”
  9. “Cheating is a temporary shortcut, but karma always leads us back to the long and winding path of truth.”
  10. “Cheaters may play with fire, but karma holds the matches that ignite the flames of consequence.”
cheaters karma quotes

Betrayal cheating quotes

Delve into the realm of cheaters karma quotes and witness the profound impact of karma on those who choose the path of deception. Brace yourself for a paradigm shift.

Here are some betrayal karma quotes or karma for cheaters:

  1. “In the realm of cheaters, karma is the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner.”
  2. “Cheating may grant temporary victories, but karma ensures that the final score is always balanced.”
  3. “Like a spider caught in its own web, cheaters become entangled in the intricate threads of karma.”
  4. “Cheaters may build castles of illusion, but karma is the architect of their downfall.”
  5. “Cheating is a siren’s song, luring the unwary into the treacherous waters of karma.”
  6. “Cheaters wear masks of deception, but karma sees through the disguise to the true face beneath.”
  7. “In the realm of karma, cheaters are mere pawns in a grand game of cosmic justice.”
  8. “Cheating is a false victory, for karma knows the difference between genuine triumph and ill-gotten gains.”
  9. “Like a whisper in the wind, cheating may go unnoticed, but karma hears every word.”
  10. “Cheaters may outrun the truth momentarily, but karma is a relentless tracker that never tires.”
cheaters karma quotes

Captions cheating

Embark on a journey of introspection with our compelling collection of cheaters karma quotes. Let these words challenge your perspective on justice and fairness.

Here are some savage quotes for cheaters or quotes about betrayal and karma:

  1. “Cheating is a blindfolded journey through a labyrinth, with karma as the guiding light to lead us back to honesty.”
  2. “The cheater’s path is a maze of deceit, with karma as the compass that points them towards redemption or retribution.”
  3. “Cheating is a house built on shifting sands, vulnerable to the earthquakes of karma.”
  4. “Like a spider spinning its web, cheaters create a tangled trap for themselves with karma as the inevitable predator.”
  5. “Cheating is a toxic brew that poisons both the cheater and the cheatee, with karma as the antidote that restores balance.”
  6. “The cheater’s playground is a slippery slope, with karma as the gravitational force that brings them back to reality.”
  7. “Cheating is a counterfeit currency in the economy of life, but karma only accepts payment in integrity.”
  8. “Like a ticking time bomb, cheating sets the stage for its own explosion, ignited by the fuse of karma.”
  9. “Cheating is a tightrope walk over an abyss, with karma as the balancing pole that keeps them from falling.”
  10. “In the theater of life, cheaters may play the lead roles, but karma is the director that ensures justice takes center stage.”
cheaters karma quotes

Cheater quotes

From deceit to retribution, our cheaters karma quotes encapsulate the essence of cause and effect. Brace yourself for an exploration of karma’s unfailing influence.

Here are some captions cheating or cheat caption quotes:

  1. “Cheating is a hollow victory, for karma fills the void with its resounding justice.”
  2. “The cheater’s path is paved with illusions, but karma is the ultimate truth-teller.”
  3. “Cheaters may deceive others, but karma never falls for their tricks.”
  4. “Like a mirror, karma reflects the true nature of cheaters, revealing their inner darkness.”
  5. “Cheating may grant temporary pleasures, but karma will exact a lasting price.”
  6. “The universe keeps a meticulous balance sheet, ensuring that cheaters pay their dues in karma.”
  7. “Cheaters may dodge consequences momentarily, but karma is a patient hunter.”
  8. “Cheating plants the seeds of its own destruction, watered by the rains of karma.”
  9. “Cheating is like building a house on quicksand—eventually, karma will cause it to crumble.”
  10. “The web of lies spun by cheaters will eventually entangle them in a knot of karma.”
cheaters karma quotes

Cheating quotes

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of cheaters karma quotes, where karma unveils its intricate dance with those who attempt to cheat their way through life.

Here are some cheat quotes images or cheaters images quotes:

  1. “Cheaters thrive in darkness, but karma is the light that exposes their deceit.”
  2. “Cheating may bring temporary victories, but in the end, karma will expose the truth and claim its dues.”
  3. “Cheaters may soar high on the wings of deception, but karma will clip their feathers.”
  4. “Cheating is a house of cards, waiting to collapse under the weight of karma’s justice.”
  5. “Cheaters may enjoy a temporary feast, but karma serves a banquet of consequences.”
  6. “Cheaters may think they’re invincible, but karma is the unseen force that restores the balance.”
  7. “Like a boomerang, cheating returns to its sender, laden with the weight of karma.”
  8. “Cheaters may swim in a sea of lies, but karma is the tide that washes away their illusions.”
  9. “Cheating is a toxic brew that poisons the cheater’s soul, with karma as the antidote that brings healing.”
  10. “Cheaters may try to rewrite history, but karma holds the pen that etches the truth.”
cheaters karma quotes

Cheating quotes relationship

Discover the poetic justice of karma through our carefully crafted cheaters karma quotes. Prepare to be captivated by the profound wisdom contained within.

Here are some betrayal karma cheating quotes or karma narcissist quotes:

  1. “In the realm of cheaters, karma is the relentless clock that counts down to their eventual downfall.”
  2. “Cheating may grant temporary power, but karma is the ultimate equalizer that restores justice.”
  3. “Cheaters may build castles of deception, but karma is the earthquake that shakes their foundations.”
  4. “Cheating is a counterfeit key that may open doors momentarily, but karma is the locksmith that changes the locks.”
  5. “Cheaters may dance with shadows, but karma is the choreographer that leads them towards their ultimate reckoning.”
  6. “Like a solitary candle in the darkness, karma illuminates the truth and exposes the cheater’s lies.”
  7. “Cheaters may play chess with people’s lives, but karma is the master strategist that orchestrates their defeat.”
  8. “Cheating is a disguise that may fool others, but karma sees through the mask to the true face beneath.”
  9. “Cheaters may climb the ladder of success, but karma is the gust of wind that blows them back to reality.”
  10. “Cheating may provide temporary satisfaction, but karma demands a long-term repayment.”
cheaters karma quotes

Karma liar quotes

Uncover the profound lessons hidden within the world of cheaters karma quotes. Witness the unyielding power of karma as it balances the scales of justice.

Here are some unloyal quotes or karma about cheating quotes:

  1. “In the grand tapestry of life, cheaters are mere threads waiting to be woven into karma’s design.”
  2. “Cheaters may think they’ve outsmarted the world, but karma is the wise old sage that sees all.”
  3. “Cheating is a poison that infects the cheater’s soul, while karma is the antidote that brings spiritual healing.”
  4. “Like a skilled archer, karma never misses its target—cheaters can’t escape its aim.”
  5. “Cheaters may swim against the current of karma, but eventually, they will be swept away by its relentless tide.”
  6. “Cheating is a fleeting illusion, but karma is the unwavering reality that restores order.”
  7. “In the cosmic courtroom, cheaters stand accused, and karma serves as the impartial judge.”
  8. “Cheating may bring temporary gains, but karma’s wisdom lies in granting lasting lessons.”
  9. “Cheaters may try to outrun their shadows, but karma is the sun that casts light on their every move.”
  10. “Cheating is a risky bet against karma, a gamble that always ends in regret.”
cheaters karma quotes

Karma quotes

Our captivating compilation of cheaters karma quotes sheds light on the intricacies of cosmic justice. Explore the profound connection between actions and consequences.

Here are some cheating karma quotes or karma on cheating:

  1. “Like a predator stalking its prey, karma patiently waits for cheaters to reveal their vulnerabilities.”
  2. “Cheating is a rickety bridge that collapses under the weight of karma’s truth.”
  3. “Cheaters may steal pieces from the puzzle of life, but karma ensures that the picture remains complete.”
  4. “In the realm of cheaters, karma is the compass that guides them towards their destined fate.”
  5. “Cheating may be a momentary detour, but karma always redirects the path back to integrity.”
  6. “Cheaters may think they’re winning, but karma has a way of rewriting the rules.”
  7. “Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve, especially if you’re a cheater.”
  8. “Cheaters may dance with deception, but karma always leads the truth to the center stage.”
  9. “Karma doesn’t discriminate; it treats cheaters with the same measure they served to others.”
  10. “Cheating may seem like a shortcut, but karma takes pride in guiding us along the right path.”
cheaters karma quotes

Quotes about cheating

Open the door to self-reflection and enlightenment with our collection of cheaters karma quotes. Embrace the transformative power of karma’s lessons.

Here are some karma of cheating or karma lies quotes:

  1. “Karma is the cosmic accountant that tallies the debts of cheaters and ensures they’re paid in full.”
  2. “Cheaters may find temporary joy in their deceit, but karma’s joy lies in their eventual awakening.”
  3. “The road of cheating is a dead-end street, where karma waits patiently for those who travel it.”
  4. “Karma doesn’t seek revenge; it simply delivers the consequences that cheaters have earned.”
  5. “Cheaters may build a house of lies, but karma is the architect of their downfall.”
  6. “Karma whispers to cheaters, ‘Your secrets may be hidden, but the truth will always find its way.'”
  7. “Cheaters may cast a dark shadow, but karma is the sunrise that illuminates their true colors.”
  8. “Karma doesn’t need an audience to perform its justice; it’s always watching, especially when cheaters are involved.”
  9. “Cheating is a temporary escape, but karma is the force that brings us back to face our actions.”
  10. “Karma teaches cheaters a valuable lesson: integrity is the only currency that holds its value.”
cheaters karma quotes

Bottom line

The concept of karma holds a significant place in our lives, especially when it comes to cheating. Cheating may bring a temporary high, but ultimately, it has consequences that can come back to haunt us in ways we never imagined.

The quotes about cheaters karma serve as a reminder that our actions have consequences, and we must be mindful of how we treat others. By reflecting on these karma quotes, we can all strive to live a life of integrity, honesty, and respect for ourselves and others.


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